
Energy-related issues form an integral part of the challenges we need to face today, from making the transition to new forms of energy, managing consumption and decentralising production, to the deregulation and globalisation of markets.

A new and growing field

Over the last fifteen years, energy matters have gone from being a limited issue affecting only very few large industries to being a cross-sectoral matter with wide-ranging and widespread issues, with implications for the lives of citizens and societies so numerous and varied that they affect us all, thereby eliciting the need for practitioners in this field.

This phenomenon can be explained by the deregulation of the gas and electricity markets imposed by the European Union and a hike in demand for energy as a result of globalisation.

The evolution of the energy market has also multiplied the fields of law required to work alongside it. Consumer law, administrative law - in terms of regulation and green-certificate matters - competition law and environmental law are all complementary to energy law. Responses suited to these new challenges can only emerge by combining these different perspectives.

Anticipating the problems of tomorrow, today

Drawing on our vast experience in these different areas of the law, EQUAL assists both public and private clients in addressing the challenges posed by the restructuring of the energy market.

A multidisciplinary approach, in-depth knowledge of how the energy market operates, both vertically and horizontally, and a broad systemic view on energy issues are all benefits that we can offer to our clients.