EQUAL labeled Ecodynamic by Brussels-Environment - EQUAL / BRUXELLES-ENVIRONNEMENT

- By Guy de San

EQUAL labeled Ecodynamic by Brussels-Environment

On 4 April 2022, EQUAL Partners received 2 stars under the Ecodynamic Enterprise Label awarded by Brussels Environment. The result of a long process…

Keen to be a sustainable part of its environment in the broadest sense, EQUAL aims to be a firm that makes a clear commitment to its individual and collective responsibilities. The goal is also to be consistent with its founding values, two pillars of which are restraint and moderation.

EQUAL set itself the challenge of gaining the Ecodynamic Enterprise Label, which “rewards and encourages companies, associations and institutions in Brussels that take action to reduce the environmental impact of their activities.”

This is an official recognition from Brussels Environment. Efforts made are rated according to a 3-level scale: one, two or three stars. The goal is to assess the way in which an organisation carries out its activities.

To achieve this objective, Equal has undertaken, on the basis of the frame of reference for sustainable measures provided by Brussels Environment, various actions aimed at reducing the environmental impact of its activities. In particular, Equal has reviewed its contracts with various suppliers, made contact with the owners of the building to initiate a discussion on “water, energy and mobility” initiatives, undertaken a more “zero waste” approach (through the purchase of a bean-to-cup coffee machine, waste-free lunches, making water jugs and glasses available, etc.) and applies a controlled and sustainable purchasing policy.

In terms of mobility, the use of public transport and car sharing is encouraged.

Finally, our organisation encourages paperless working. All documents are digitised for fully computerised subsequent processing, which also allows for unrestricted remote working.

Consideration is being given to the use of IT that is also based on economics, given the energy, environmental and geopolitical implications of the use of IT tools, especially in terms of energy consumption.

EQUAL was awarded the Ecodynamic Label (2 stars) in April 2022: https://www.ecodyn.brussels/sitelabel/equal-partners

Associated areas of specialisation: Day-to-day life at EQUAL, Environment