Proposed New Thresholds for Public Procurements
The European Commission has just sent the Member States the proposed new application thresholds applicanle to public procurement.
In application to the European Directives 2014/24/EU (public procurement in the classic sector), 2014/25/EU (public procurement in the utilities sector) and 2014/23/EU (concession contracts), UE States Members have been proposed new thresholds.
As of 1 January 2018, the Commission is planning on raising the thresholds by:
- €221,000 excl. VAT (instead of €209,000 currently) for public supply and service contracts awarded by regional or local authorities and for public supply contracts awarded by central public authorities operating in the field of defence;
- €144,000 excl. VAT (instead of €135,000 currently) for public supply and service contracts awarded by the Federal State;
- €443,000 excl. VAT (instead of €418,000 currently) for public supply and service contracts awarded by contracting entities;
- €5,548,000 excl. VAT (instead of €5,225,000 currently) for public works contracts and concession contracts.
The Member States have until 3 November to give their opinion on the thresholds proposed. The regulation setting the new application thresholds of the abovementioned directives should be published no later than December.
Associated areas of specialisation: Public procurement and PPP